
Tuesday, 22 September 2009

The Complete Winnie-the-Pooh

Today's review is about a classic: The Complete Winnie-the-Pooh.

What is it about:
It's about a bear who lives in a forest and has many adventures together with his friends.

Why do I like it:
It might be a children's book, but it has everything you could want from a book: interesting characters with whom you can relate (aren't we all a bit of an eyeore, a piglet or a rabbit from time to time?). It has funny stories, moving stories, weird stories and best of all: Winnie's best friend is a pig!!

Why should you read it:
Ever read these stories again since you were a child? No? Get it now and read it, you will be surprised by how much it still relates to you and the people and situations around you. It's no coïncidence that there's books about Taoism, management and such using Pooh to explain things to you.