Monday, 30 November 2020
The Dare - Book Review by Voodoo Bride
Friday, 27 November 2020
Eleventh Grave in Moonlight - Book Review
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Liana Brooks - Two Quick Reviews
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
With A Prince - Book Review by Voodoo Bride (repost/reread)

With a Prince (Missed Connections #2)
by Jeffe Kennedy
What is it about:
The guy on the train is just Marcia’s type. A face like an angel, a scent like raw honey, treats her like he has a white horse and suit of armor stowed in his messenger bag. Perfect.
Too perfect. No guy like that would be interested in prim, awkward Marcia, notorious goody-goody and a twentysomething still clutching her v-card. She’s been following rules her whole life—but somewhere, the game changed. And left her behind.
So when she meets Damien, with his rumbling motorbike, gleaming piercings, and wicked imagination, she doesn’t care that he’s the exact opposite of “her type.” Her type would never dare her into such shocking, fiendishly inventive adventures—and she can’t wait to say yes.
Yes to whiskey in the middle of a workday. Yes to letting her hands roam over his body from the back of his bike. Yes to a fling full of wild abandon and absolutely no long-term potential. Except Damien’s not just the straightforward bad boy she imagined. And as they burn through Chicago’s nights, Marcia can’t shake the fear that this happiness is just another fairy tale…
What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I will confess I seriously disliked Marcia in Last Dance. She did something there that made me so angry.
Imagine my surprise when Marcia actually started to grow on me in this story.
Liking Marcia came slowly. but when it happened I was hooked. Marcia starts out as someone I didn't have much connection with: she's soft and too lost in her perfect plans to see the real world. But then she meets Damien and she is starting to open her eyes. I loved seeing Marcia's personal growth.
And Damien!
*dreamy sigh*
There are just not enough Alternative/Goth heroes who are more than the bad boy who needs a good woman to settle down. Luckily Damien is one of those yummy few. I loved how he and Marcia were together. Their romance is hot, sexy and sweet.
Of course Marcia and Damien encounter some obstacles on their way to a happy end, but you can trust Jeffe to make those obstacles interesting, while you never have to fear they won't be overcome.
All in all a delightful Contemporary Romance that I already have read several times and will reread again for sure.
Why should you read it:
It's a hot, sexy and sweet Contemporary Romance.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Teaser Tuesdays - Alex, Approximately
What is happening to me? I swear, every time I have any interaction whatsoever with Porter Roth, something always goes screwy.
Monday, 23 November 2020
Across the Green Grass Fields - Early Book Review
Friday, 20 November 2020
Ungilded - Book Review
In the days after the Fall, most of the world is contaminated. The Silver may have defeated the Weepers, but now they're scrambling to find somewhere they can call home.
But their king is scrambling just to keep his mind. With his queen missing in action, the bond between them is stretching thin, and his consciousness is thinning with it.
If he can't find his love soon, then he won't live to lead his people into their new world.
It's probably best read and enjoyed if you've read the Solis Invicti series, but I haven't apart from the first book, and still very much enjoyed the mood and world in this short story.
It made me eager to read the rest of the series.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Under A Winter Sky - Release Day Alert
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Damned Souls and a Sangria - Book Review
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Teaser Tuesdays - Eleventh Grave in Moonlight
"Angel told me all about you. Why you're so bright and all." He nodded in approval. "Pretty badass, if you ask me."
Monday, 16 November 2020
Rent a Boyfriend - Book Review
Friday, 13 November 2020
Barely Bewitched - Book Review
Thursday, 12 November 2020
On McPig's Radar - Six Crimson Cranes
Shiori, the only princess of Kiata, has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother.
Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die.
Peniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama's betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.
Expected publication: July 6th 2021
preorder at bookdepository
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Black Dawn - Book Review
Ever since the draug—mysterious creatures that prey on vampires—took over Morganville, the lives of student Claire Danvers and her friends have been thrown into turmoil. Most of the town’s residents have evacuated, but Claire, Shane, Eve and Michael have chosen to stay and fight. Using the city’s water system to spread, the draug have rapidly multiplied. Things in Morganville look grim, especially since vampire Amelie—the town founder—has been infected by the master draug’s bite.
Now, if Claire and her friends don’t figure out how to cure Amelie and defeat the draug, it looks like Morganville will become little more than a ghost town…
What did I think of it:
This book continues using multiple viewpoints. Claire is still the main viewpoint character, but others get their own chapters as well.
I liked some more than others of course. I'm still not on board the Claire/Shane ship. It feels doomed imo. Claire can get so much better.
That aside, this is a cool read. There's lots of action and suspense. Can the draug be defeated? Can Amelie survive the draug bite? I raced through this book to see if things would look up.
All in all a great read. I'll be picking up the next book soon.
Why should you read it:
It's a cool YA Vampire read
buy from bookdepository
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Teaser Tuesdays - Rent A Boyfriend
The all-too-familiar glint in his eye alerted me it was quiz time. Not my first.
Monday, 9 November 2020
Working Stiff - Book Review (repost)

Working Stiff (Revivalist #1)
by Rachel Caine
What is it about:
Bryn Davis was killed on the job after discovering her bosses were selling a drug designed to resurrect the dead. Now, revived by that same drug, she becomes an undead soldier in a corporate war to take down the very pharmaceutical company responsible for her new condition...
What did I think of it:
This was a fun read.
The idea of someone resurrected from the dead was well thought out, including weaknesses and how such a person would react to her state. I also really liked the action storyline where Bryn and her allies are on a deadline to find a corporate thief before her boss decides she's a liability and she needs to be terminated. It makes this story very tense and suspenseful.
I had some difficulties with Bryn. For someone who's been in the army she's acting like a damsel in distress a bit too much in my opinion. I also had some trouble getting into the romance. I once again started rooting for the wrong guy and maybe that's why I didn't feel a connection between Bryn and her love interest at first. But after a shaky start it picked up nicely and I ended up enjoying the romance.
The ending felt a bit chaotic and rushed though. I felt a bit disappointed by some of the solutions. There was also a plot line that was left open for the next book.
In the end I really enjoyed this book and apart from the flaws I mentioned it's a compelling read. I will most probably give the next book in this series a try.
Why should you read it:
It's a suspenseful Urban Fantasy read
Friday, 6 November 2020
Honor Among Thieves - Book Review (repost)

Honor Among Thieves (The Honors #1)
by Rachel Caine & Ann Aguirre
What is it about:
Petty criminal Zara Cole has a painful past that’s made her stronger than most, which is why she chose life in New Detroit instead moving with her family to Mars. In her eyes, living inside a dome isn’t much better than a prison cell.
Still, when Zara commits a crime that has her running scared, jail might be exactly where she’s headed. Instead Zara is recruited into the Honors, an elite team of humans selected by the Leviathan—a race of sentient alien ships—to explore the outer reaches of the universe as their passengers.
Zara seizes the chance to flee Earth’s dangers, but when she meets Nadim, the alien ship she’s assigned, Zara starts to feel at home for the first time. But nothing could have prepared her for the dark, ominous truths that lurk behind the alluring glitter of starlight.
What did I think of it:
I've been eager to read this book ever since I heard Ann Aguirre read a part of it at the Love Letters Convention in Berlin last year.
And it doesn't disappoint. Have you heard me grumble about human looking aliens in the past? This book has proper aliens!
The Leviathan are a very intriguing species and I loved learning about them and the Honor program. It's clear they have their own agenda, and slowly Zara and the reader learn more about them.
Zara and her crew mate Bea were both great characters. I loved that they connect with each other from the start, and that there's no jealousy/competition between the two, as is often the case in YA. I also loved Nadim and the way he interacted with the girls.
The overall story was very cool, and the hints of the larger world out there had me eager to find out more and to keep reading. There's suspense, danger, secrets, and some really exciting action.
There was just one minor thing that bugged me, and that I myself would have left out, but it's too spoilery to go into it here, and it wasn't big enough to diminish my enjoyment.
The ending was not a cliffhanger, but there are lots of things Zara will have to deal with, and it did leave me hungry for the next book. You bet I'll get my trotters on it when it releases.
Why should you read it:
It's an awesome SF YA read.
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