Today I have a special guest: Karen A. Wyle.
Karen is the author of Twin-Bred, an original and thought provoking SciFi story. You can read my review of Twin-Bred here.
Karen was kind enough to answer some question about herself and her book.
Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I don't remember exactly when I first decided that I would be a writer. Our local paper published a poem of mine in some sort of kids'-writing column when I was in 3rd grade, but I don't know whether I submitted it -- my teacher may have done so. By age 10, I was determined to be the youngest ever published novelist. I was in the middle of writing the novel when I learned that some upstart 9-year-old in England had got there first. I was quite miffed, but finished the novel nonetheless. (It was a very strange mish-mash, as I recall. I haven't dared to look at it in quite a few years....)
Did you have to do a lot of research on twins for Twin-Bred?
I didn't do a great deal of research especially for the book. I've been interested in twins for many years, so I came to the subject with some background. I did look at some material on womb twin survivors when I first came up with the idea of Mara and Levi.
Will there be any zombies in one of your future books?
I doubt it.
(comment from Sullivan: That's not a definite no, so I'll keep hoping ;-) )
If you could start a new colony on another planet what would you name it?
I might follow the lead of the human colonists in Twin-Bred. All the human towns on Tofarn are named after science fiction writers. I did this as my own tribute to those writers and to science fiction writers in general, but I also thought it possible that humans who were realizing the dreams of science fiction writers and readers might make such a gesture. As to which one: I'd probably pick the Grand Old Man himself, and name the colony
What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
I hope to start on the sequel to Twin-Bred later this fall, so that'll be more science fiction. I have a sci fi story in rough draft that may be the starting point for a collection of linked stories. My other rough draft is general fiction, if a book taking place in the afterlife fits in that category. (It is not religious fiction. It focuses on family dynamics and the confronting of unfinished business; I created an afterlife with features that assist in the latter.)
I'd love to do historical fiction, but the amount of research involved is intimidating. It may happen.
Thank you, Karen for answering these questions.
I'm looking forward to your next book.
Buy Twin-Bred at Smashwords
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What is Twin-Bred about:
In Twin-Bred, the human colony on Tofarn and the indigenous Tofa have great difficulty communicating with and basically comprehending each other. Scientist Mara Cadell, who lost a fraternal twin in utero, proposes that host mothers of either or both species carry twins, one human and one Tofa, in the hope that the bond between twins can bridge the gap between species. Mara has secretly kept her own twin, Levi, alive in her mind as a companion and collaborator.
Mara succeeds in obtaining governmental backing for her project – but both the human and Tofa establishments have their own agendas. Mara must shepherd the Twin-Bred through dangers she anticipated and others that even the canny Levi could not foresee. Will the Twin-Bred bring peace, war, or something else entirely?...
Karen is the author of Twin-Bred, an original and thought provoking SciFi story. You can read my review of Twin-Bred here.
Karen was kind enough to answer some question about herself and her book.
Did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you want to be?
I don't remember exactly when I first decided that I would be a writer. Our local paper published a poem of mine in some sort of kids'-writing column when I was in 3rd grade, but I don't know whether I submitted it -- my teacher may have done so. By age 10, I was determined to be the youngest ever published novelist. I was in the middle of writing the novel when I learned that some upstart 9-year-old in England had got there first. I was quite miffed, but finished the novel nonetheless. (It was a very strange mish-mash, as I recall. I haven't dared to look at it in quite a few years....)
Did you have to do a lot of research on twins for Twin-Bred?
I didn't do a great deal of research especially for the book. I've been interested in twins for many years, so I came to the subject with some background. I did look at some material on womb twin survivors when I first came up with the idea of Mara and Levi.
Will there be any zombies in one of your future books?
I doubt it.
(comment from Sullivan: That's not a definite no, so I'll keep hoping ;-) )
If you could start a new colony on another planet what would you name it?
I might follow the lead of the human colonists in Twin-Bred. All the human towns on Tofarn are named after science fiction writers. I did this as my own tribute to those writers and to science fiction writers in general, but I also thought it possible that humans who were realizing the dreams of science fiction writers and readers might make such a gesture. As to which one: I'd probably pick the Grand Old Man himself, and name the colony
What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
I hope to start on the sequel to Twin-Bred later this fall, so that'll be more science fiction. I have a sci fi story in rough draft that may be the starting point for a collection of linked stories. My other rough draft is general fiction, if a book taking place in the afterlife fits in that category. (It is not religious fiction. It focuses on family dynamics and the confronting of unfinished business; I created an afterlife with features that assist in the latter.)
I'd love to do historical fiction, but the amount of research involved is intimidating. It may happen.
Thank you, Karen for answering these questions.
I'm looking forward to your next book.
Buy Twin-Bred at Smashwords
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at Barnes & Noble
What is Twin-Bred about:
In Twin-Bred, the human colony on Tofarn and the indigenous Tofa have great difficulty communicating with and basically comprehending each other. Scientist Mara Cadell, who lost a fraternal twin in utero, proposes that host mothers of either or both species carry twins, one human and one Tofa, in the hope that the bond between twins can bridge the gap between species. Mara has secretly kept her own twin, Levi, alive in her mind as a companion and collaborator.
Mara succeeds in obtaining governmental backing for her project – but both the human and Tofa establishments have their own agendas. Mara must shepherd the Twin-Bred through dangers she anticipated and others that even the canny Levi could not foresee. Will the Twin-Bred bring peace, war, or something else entirely?...
You've got me curious about Twin-Bred :D
ReplyDeleteI like that sci-fi slant, and the aspect of unforeseeable agendas, which is bound to be the case if we ever properly get off our own silly rock lol
Speaking of research for historical novels - one of my favorites is the famous "Forever Amber" by Kathleen Windsor. Definitely a must read. BUT ... Ms Windsor confessed it took her TEN years to research & write her epic novel.