
Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Daybreak - Early Book Review

Daybreak (Dark Age Dawning #3)
by Ellen Connor

What is it about:
It's been twelve years since the Change, and Penelope Sheehan is one of the few still practicing magic for the good of humanity in this dark, dangerous world. But she needs the help of a shapeshifter named Tru, whom she knew when he was a troubled boy. But Tru is a creature of instinct and impulse, living only to satisfy his senses- ignoring the scarred heart nobody has ever reached. Fighting alongside the last holdouts of humanity, they will unleash a passion that tempts them to risk everything for love. But if they succeed, Tru and Pen hold the power to brighten the Dark Age for all time.

What did I think of it:
An awesome conclusion of a brilliant trilogy.

I thought Tru (one of the lead characters) was one of the coolest side characters in Nightfall, the first book in the trilogy, so I've really been looking forward to this book and it sure was worth the wait.

Tru is an amazingly cool character. He's disillusioned, brutal and selfish at first, but the inner growth he goes through in this book is believable and great to read and I liked how this doesn't mean he goes all soft, but still keeps his lethal edge.

Penny was a more difficult character for me to connect with. She's all set on doing good in a way that would make her vulnerable and easy prey if she didn't have her magical powers to protect her. Her character really showed her youth and it was good to see how she toughened up.

The romance between them was intense and they really are a good match as both had character traits the other could learn from.

The story was less gritty and grim than the previous two, but just as exciting. The setting and world are awesome, although there seemed to be less world building, but that's probably because I'm already familiar with the world after reading the first two books, so any world building that was done didn't give me anything new.

I will confess I'm totally bummed out this is the last book in this trilogy, because I could have read many more books set in this totally awesome post-apocalyptic setting. So I'm hoping Ann Aguirre and Carrie Lofty decide to write more books together.

Why should you read it:
It's the best post-apocalyptic PNR series I've ever come across.

Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide
Expected publication: December 6th 2011


  1. I still have to read the second one - it's on my Christmas list. :)

    I'm glad you were pleased with this one.

