
Sunday, 6 November 2011

Land of Falling Stars giveaway winner!

Demented Wench was the only one who entered the giveaway, so that means she's the winner of the giveaway!

Demented Wench, I'll send your emailaddy to Keta Diablo so she can send you a copy of Land of Falling Stars.


  1. Congrats, Demented Wench [now THAT'S a cool name]!! :D

    If only I had a kindle, nook, e-reader, et al ... I'd be entering a slew more giveaways. PDFs on this old computer are a pain to read :P

    *Happy Sunday*, Sully :D

  2. Wow, this is a great end to an awful Monday. :)

    Come on Santa, bring me a kindle!
