
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Using mythology for your story - A Guest Post by Amity Hope

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Using mythology for your story by Amity Hope:

I’ve always been a huge fan of paranormal/urban fantasy. It’s my favorite genre to read as well as to write.

When I came up with the idea for Malice, I knew I wanted to go with a completely original storyline. My main characters are primarily magic users. However, I wanted to give them a little more backstory than simply referring to them as witches.

A little bit of research led me to the Lamia and Striga, two Latin words for “witch”. Striga seemed to have a bit more of a negative connotation than Lamia. That’s how I decided that Lamia would essentially be the “good” magic users and Striga would be the “bad” magic users.

In another series I wrote, Tainted Legacy and Pure Redemption, I researched Nephilim lore. It gave me a solid backstory for my books. I enjoyed doing the research for this series. I was able to find a lot of useful information. I was then able to take that information and expand upon it.

I have another series planned for this spring that will heavily pull from Greek mythology. I’ve had fun researching that as well. What I like most is that mythology and lore can give you a nice starting point for your story, a solid foundation. You can incorporate the mythology into the storyline and essentially the characters’ backgrounds, but it also gives you the flexibility to take off with it, to really make their world something unique and original.

MaliceMalice by Amity Hope

*First book in a trilogy. Young Adult Romance/Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Malice is currently on 99 cents on Amazon. Pick up your copy today at the link below!


Samara Cavanaugh has grown up in a world filled with magic users. She’s used to bizarre and peculiar. But when a stranger checks in at The Bella Luna, the bed and breakfast her family owns, the strange occurrences in Granite Falls escalate. 
Many people are leery of Levi, their new guest. He claims to be in town doing research but Samara’s friends aren’t so sure that his claim is as innocuous as it appears to be. When two of her classmates disappear, her friends seem convinced Levi had a hand in it.
Those closest to her have been keeping secrets from her. Those secrets put everyone close to her in danger.
Suddenly, her unrequited crush on her best friend, Tristan becomes the least of her troubles.

About the Author:


Amity lives in beautiful northern Minnesota with her two sons, two cats and their Rottweiler. She has a degree in elementary education andunnamed workedunnamed in that field for ten years before deciding to self-publish. Her first self-published novel, Twisted, was listed by Amazon as a Top 100 Kids & Teens Kindle Book of 2012.

If she’s not writing, or spending time with her boys, she’s most likely reading.





The Giveaway:

Kindle copies of Malice by Amity Hope

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Tour Schedule: 

November 17th
Elizabeth Delana Rosa – guest post
NaYa Books and More – promo post
YaReads – Interview
November 18th
Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books! – Review
A Writer’s Tales  - guest post
Reader Girls  - guest post
November 19th
Just One More Chapter  - Review
All my Book finds  - Review
Pearls Cast Before A McPig – guest post
November 20th
Friends With Characters – promo post
Suzy Turner, YA Author  - guest post
November 21st
Book Talk Reviews – promo post
ReadWriteLove28 – interview
Cassandra M’s Place – Top Ten Post
November 22nd
Just One More Chapter – Interview
For the Love  - promo post
Bookworm in Barrie – promo post
November 23rd
Mythical Books  - guest post
Lisa Loves Literature – promo post
Book Lovers Life – promo post

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