
Friday, 22 January 2016

Trolls in the Hamptons - Book Review

Trolls in the Hamptons (Willow Tate #1)
by Celia Jerome

What is it about:
Willow Tate is a graphic novelist who earns enough money at her craft to keep her rent-controlled Manhattan apartment and still put food in the fridge. But when she decides to write about a ten-foot-tall troll who's a superhero, one suddenly appears, causing mayhem in Manhattan.

When no one else can see the stony red giant, Willy thinks she's gone crazy, until she meets Agent Grant from the Department of Unexplained Events. According to him, Willy has managed to break ages-old cosmic laws that could destroy the Earth as we know it. Now she has to help him save the world, rescue a little boy, and stop a murdering kidnapper who wants to use the power of a little village in the Hamptons to become master of the universe...

What did I think of it:
I've been curious about this book for a long time, so I was very happy when I got it as a birthday present from Melliane.

And this is a fun and enjoyable read.

I will confess I had expected more action. Instead there's a lot of talking and small events. This could be because this is the first book in the series and the premise needs to be set up and explained to the reader. And granted: it's a very original premise, so it can't be explained just by saying 'it's magic'.

Apart from the lack of action I was very entertained by this story. At times I thought Willy is a bit dense for someone who makes her money by making up whole new worlds and stories, but overall I liked her. Of her two admirers (of course there should be a possibility for a love triangle) I thought she was falling for the wrong one, but nothing new there.

Overall this is a nice read, and if I come across the next book in this series I will certainly pick it up.

Why should you read it:
It's a fun Urban Fantasy read.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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