
Friday, 10 March 2017

More Than Comics - Book Review by Voodoo Bride

More Than Comics (Chasing the Dream #2)
by Elizabeth Briggs

What is it about:
They're friends online - but can they be more in real life?

Writer Tara McFadden has been friends with artist and drummer Hector Fernandez for years, long before his band became famous on reality TV – yet they’ve never met in person. They finally have a chance to connect offline when they’re both sent to Comic-Con to promote the graphic novel they collaborated on.

Hector's secretly been in love with Tara for as long as he can remember, and once they meet, she sees him in a new light. All the years of longing lead to an incredible night of passion after one of his concerts, but neither is sure if their online relationship can translate into a real life romance – or if this will ruin their friendship forever.

Over four crazy days at Comic-Con, Hector and Tara must decide if they want a future together. But when their story seems to be over, it’s up to Hector’s entire band to make sure he and Tara get their happy ending.

What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I really liked Hector in both the novella and the first book in this series, so I was eager to read this book.

And it's everything I hoped for.

The previous book was really good, but it didn't Wow me with the romance. This book delivered!

The viewpoint switches between Hector and Tara, giving you insight in both their thoughts and feelings. I was already a little bit in love with Hector, but soon after starting this book I was totally hooked. I could relate with Hector and could really understand why he is hesitant to show Tara how he really feels, why he's afraid to commit.

I also really liked Tara and could understand her feelings as well. She just came out of a serious relationship, and is starting a job in a new town. A new relationship on top of that might be a bit much. I love how her doubts and the solution of her problems are handled. It's easy to go the 'love will solve everything' route in a romance like this, but luckily Briggs didn't take such an easy way out.

I loved the setting of course: a big comic convention!!! So next to enjoying the hot and intense romance I also got to geek out over Comic-Con and the mentions of comics and movies. The characters of the previous books make their appearance as well, and it was fun to see how they were doing. The main characters of the upcoming books had some screentime as well, and I'm curious about their story I will confess.

All in all this is a delicious read, and I'll definitely will be rereading it. But first I'll be reading Future Threat, the second book in Briggs' YA trilogy, and I'll be getting my hands on the other books in this series.

Why should you read it:
It's a steamy and delicious New Adult Romance read set at Comic-Con.

Buy from bookdepository

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