
Monday, 16 October 2017

There's Someone Inside Your House - Book Review

There's Someone Inside Your House
by Stephanie Perkins

What is it about:
Over a year after her parents sent her away from Hawaii to live with her grandmother in landlocked Nebraska, Makani Young is still adjusting to her new life. She's made a small group of close friends and even flirted with romance, but her past in Hawaii is still hard to forget. And then . . . one by one the students of her new high school begin to die in a series of gruesome murders.

Makani doesn't know who's next on the list. Between this, and a secret scorching relationship with the school weirdo, this school year may turn out to be one to die for . . . literally.

What did I think of it:
I picked this book up because Voodoo Bride liked two of the three other books by Perkins that she read, and because this sounded like a nice Halloween read.

I did enjoy this book, but can't say it's in anyway scary though.

The book started out with a murder and I was hoping for it to continue like this, but that was not to be. The story turned out to be more of a love story between Makani and outsider Ollie than an actual slasher. After the first murder there are 5 chapters that are mainly about Makani, her mysterious past that isn't actually named until much, much later, and Ollie.

Not that I minded. The romance between Makani and Ollie was awkward and cute, and I also liked Makani's grandmother and friends (although their role could have been bigger). So after the initial disappointment that this was less suspenseful than I hoped, I settled in and enjoyed this romantic slasher-light.

There are more murders after the first 6 chapters, and Perkins mostly avoided the cliches I feared would be used. All in all not the scary read I was looking for, but entertaining and enjoyable nonetheless. I'll keep an eye out to see what Perkins writes next.

Why should you read it:
It's an enjoyable YA read.

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