
Friday, 1 May 2020

The Thirteen Problems - Book Review

The Thirteen Problems (Miss Marple #2)
by Agatha Christie

What is it about:
One Tuesday evening a group gathers at Miss Marple’s house and the conversation turns to unsolved crimes…

The case of the disappearing bloodstains; the thief who committed his crime twice over; the message on the death-bed of a poisoned man which read ‘heap of fish’; the strange case of the invisible will; a spiritualist who warned that ‘Blue Geranium’ meant death…

What did I think of it:
This is yet another very enjoyable Miss Marple book.

In this one there are thirteen mysteries for Miss Marple to solve, and solve them she does! It's fun to try and guess along with the gathered people in this book, and see if you can get close to the solution of these murders and mysteries. As always these aren't your average murders, but cleverly constructed like a puzzle box waiting for the right combination.

This book is a great place to start to see if you like Miss Marple and her sharp mind if you're new to these books.

Why should you read it:
It's a fun and clever Mystery read.

buy from bookdepository

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