
Wednesday, 22 January 2025


The Unseelie Crown (Maze of Shadows #2)
by Kathryn Ann Kingsley

What is it about:
The gods brought her back. But was it to stop Valroy, or to become his queen?

Valroy will let nothing block his path to the Unseelie Crown. He was born for the crown, born in blood and death, and he is willing to stop at nothing to see both Tir n’Aill and Earth as his dominion, and crushing the self-righteous Seelie beneath his bootheels.

He’d wished for Abigail to stand beside him as his queen, but that went terribly wrong when she chose death over becoming his bride. It was a setback, certainly, but not one he could not overcome.

Yet despite being wrenched from the song of life, Abigail returned to Tir n’Aill, only to be hunted by both Seelie and Unseelie alike. She did not know why she was returned or for what purpose, but it was clear that two paths lay before her: to become Valroy’s enemy, or to allow him to make her his queen in chains.

What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I had a total love/hate relationship with book 1. Loving the scenes and tension between Abigail and Valroy, hating some of the other ugly violence scenes. Still love won out and I got the whole series after finishing it.

This book was less vicious, but it also mostly lacked the tension between Abigail and Valroy as they are apart for the biggest part of the book. I still loved it, but it felt a bit like a filler book at times, giving you more information about the characters and the world. There were some interesting character developments though, and things got tense again at the end. The next book promises to have even more tension again, so I'll be reading it soon.

Why should you read it:
Great worldbuilding (if a bit violent at times) and intriguing characters

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