
Thursday 28 October 2010

Renovation stress once more

The coming month I'll be busy with repainting, redecorating and recarpeting our house after it has just been renovated, so it might be that I will have less time to read and therefor review books.

Don't fear though: I'll try to keep posting as often as I can so you won't be without me completely and at the end of November I will be posting regularly again.

Don't forget to enter my giveaways while you still can: tomorrow I will draw the winners.


  1. Oh, McPig - isn't renovation a double-edged sword?! lol
    Every estrogen-molecule loves the redecorating and finishing details, but the basic grunt work bites! And don't even GET me started on drywall and the spackle/mudding in process :P

    You have my sincerest sympathy! Be sure to keep up your strength via frequent ingestion of Chocolate ;D

  2. Good luck with it. :) I hope it's going to be your own little palace. :)

  3. Why do you have to do the painting?

  4. Thanks everyone1
    @Marlowe: we wonder that as well!
