
Thursday 28 July 2011

City of Ghosts - Book Review

City of Ghosts (Downside Ghosts #3) by Stacia Kane

What is it about:
Chess Putnam has a lot on her plate. Mangled human corpses have started to show up on the streets of Downside, and Chess’s bosses at the Church of Real Truth have ordered her to team up with the ultra-powerful Black Squad agency to crack the grisly case.

Chess is under a binding spell that threatens death if she talks about the investigation, but the city’s most notorious crime boss—and Chess’s drug dealer—gets wind of her new assignment and insists on being kept informed. If that isn’t bad enough, a sinister street vendor appears to have information Chess needs. Only he’s not telling what he knows, or what it all has to do with the vast underground City of Eternity.

Now Chess will have to navigate killer wraiths, First Elders, and a lot of seriously nasty magic—all while coping with some not-so-small issues of her own. And the only man Chess can trust to help her through it all has every reason to want her dead.

What did I think of it:
This book is so awesome!

As I have mentioned before Kane is a master at writing cool, likeable characters, even when those characters are addicts or hoodlums. In City of Ghosts is again the characters that shine, especially Chess and Terrible. The interaction between them is intense, heart-wrenching and utterly awesome. Usually I'm not fond of it when my lead character is in a fight with one of the love interests, but here it carries the story for me. The action storyline is pretty good as well, even though there's one plothole that annoyed me a bit, but it's a small one, so I won't hold that against the story. So far this book is my favourite in this series and I'm already looking forward to the next.

Why should you read it:
If you haven't started this series yet, you really should:
Chess and Terrible are brilliant characters.

Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide


  1. Yay for Chess and Terrible!!! I love this series and, like you, can't wait for the next book!

  2. I haven't read this series yet but this is the 3rd rec I've had for it this week. So...I should probably get started.

  3. Glad you find this one awesome. Because who doesn't love awesome books? ;)

  4. @Eleri: You should. The series is very character driven imo, but in a very good way.
