
Monday 11 February 2013

Wolf Line - Book Review by Voodoo Bride

Wolf Line (Granite Lake Wolves #5)
by Vivian Arend

ebook, novella

What is it about:
Jared s not sure how his quiet morning coffee near the harbour ended with him on a cruise ship impersonating one of his pack mates. Well, it might have something to do with a woman, but who can blame him? The female of the species was made to love, and he s more than willing to share his considerable skills in that area. Especially since he figures the chances of meeting his own one-and-only are slim.

Keri Smith is positive the last-minute recruit sneaking aboard the Arctic Wolf Cruise Lines tour is her mate. Ix-nay on confirming that, though, at least for the next ten days. She's promised her best friend to be overall troubleshooter for the shifter-only cruise. Getting tangled up in mating lust would reduce her skills to nil. Avoidance of the sexy wolf for the duration of the cruise, followed by jumping his bones, seems the logical solution.

But when libidos are on the line, logic and wolves don t go together. Throw in suspicions of wrongdoing, and these two virtual strangers will need a lot more than luck to find their way through to forever.

Warning: Really? You need to be warned about the hot nookie and sarcasm? Yeah, it s in here. Also colourful cat shifters, lupine royalty, and wild adventures in cabins like you've never seen before.

What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I absolutely adore Arend's Wolfie books and this one is yet another great addition to the series.

It's a fun story full of misunderstandings, sexual tension and sizzling hot romance.

Usually I don't like romances that are full of misunderstandings (they often make me cringe and want to kick the characters), but Arend manages to pull it off in a way that I enjoyed. It didn't feel forced and it never got to a point that it started to annoy me. Instead it drove the story forward in a natural way.

I really liked Jared and Keri and the sexual tension between them was delicious. By now I expect Arend to be able to deliver a hot and satisfying romance and she certainly lives up to my expectations once again.

All in all this is a delicious read and it even gets bonus points for having a The Princess Bride reference. I'll be rereading it often, just like the other Wolfie books and I will certainly read the next book, Wolf Nip, as soon as possible.

Why should you read it:
It's an enjoyable and hot Paranormal Romance.

Buy from Samhain


  1. We still need to make an appointment, so I can have some of your books signed by Vivian Arend in Berlin :)
