
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Storm Force - Book Review by Voodoo Bride

Storm Force (Omega Force #1)
by Susannah Sandlin

What is it about:
As leader of the elite counter-terrorism team Omega Force, former army ranger Jack “Kell” Kellison is always focused on getting the job done. So when a Houston high-rise is bombed and the governor killed or missing, Kell’s mission is clear: infiltrate the group suspected of the bombing and neutralize the threat by any means necessary. But once Kell meets beautiful chief suspect Mori Chastaine, he realizes there’s more to this case than meets the eye. And more to Mori than any man—any human man—could imagine.

Mori Chastaine is running out of options. Suspected for a crime she didn’t commit, forced into a marriage she doesn’t want, she sees no escape—until Kell walks through her door. A lifetime hiding her true nature warns her Kell might not be who he seems. But he could be the only one able to help save more innocent humans from becoming pawns in an ancient paranormal power play. If Mori reveals her secret, will Kell join her fight? Or will she become his next target?

What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I loved all three books in Sandlin's Penton Legacy series, so when I heard that Sandlin had a new story coming out that was a spin-off from that series I had to read it.

I had to wait a bit for it though, because it first released as a Kindle Serial. Because I do not have a Kindle and I'm not willing to read on my notebook, that meant I had to wait for it to become available elsewhere.

And it was worth the wait!

This book is just as delicious and filled with suspenseful action as the Penton books.

I loved Kell and the rest of the Omega Force. They're still getting used to each other, which made the dynamics interesting to read. I was also very intrigued by Mori and the life she leads.

The romantic storyline between Kell and Mori was very intense. The problems they encounter are heartbreaking at times and had me cheering both of them on. The balance between romance and action is very well done and kept me reading to find out what was happening next.

All in all I very much enjoyed this book and I hope Sandlin will continue both this series and the Penton series, because I want much, much more.

Why should you read it:
It's an action-packed Paranormal Romance

Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide


  1. Unfortunately Omega Force was not picked up by Susannah's publisher. Fortunately some of the characters just may end up in Penton four. Work in progress. I liked Storm force a lot. Robin was my favorite of the shifters.

  2. I liked this you, it was a fun book! I need to post my reviews but well to many posts and Vanessa wants to post too. I can't say no when I already post all the time lol

  3. I loved this book and my heart went to Archer, i do hope teh publisher will change his mind and take the series

  4. Great review Voodoo Bride, I hope I will enjoy it as much as you did, soon.

  5. OH I do love action! I am glad you enjoy Storm Force. I have seen the title around and was curious. Will have to look up more.

  6. I found your blog from Suzanne's flash fiction link and I'm enjoying looking around. I really liked Storm Force also, and I'm hoping that maybe there will be more in the future. I definitely want to read more about Robin.
