
Saturday 29 March 2014

Grigori Legacy - Giveaway

Today I have a giveaway for you!

One reader of my blog will win a copy of Sins of the Angels or Sins of the Son by Linda Poitevin

For those of you unfamiliar with this series:
The Grigori Legacy series is nail-bitingly good. It's full of suspense, heartbreaking romance, and thrilling action.

Be sure to click the links in this post to go to my reviews and to take a look at Linda's website, where you can find info and buy links.

Now for some rules:
- Leave a comment telling me which book you would want to win
- Leave a way for me to contact you
- Do so before April 6th 2014, I will pick a winner soon after.

Open to everyone who's old enough to read these books, legally allowed to enter this giveaway, and who lives somewhere the bookdepository ships to.


  1. oh!! thanks for the giveaway i want participate :)
    I choose: Sins of the Angels :)

  2. O that is wonderful Sullivan! I have this series on my wishlist. If I win the first book, I will buy the other two immediately :)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway, I would love Sins of the Son.
    Debby236 at gmail dot com

  4. Oh that's nice, I have the first book but I haven't read it yet. I would love to participate for Sins of the Son thank you!!!


  5. You did make me discover this series ( thank you once again ;) ) so i won't enter this giveaway but i've shared it. i can only regret that book 3 won't exist in print anytime soon

  6. I've heard such great things about this series but haven't yet started it so I'd love to win Sins of the Angels. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.


  7. I have it on my wishlist, thank you for the chance to win this. I would choose the first book in the series, Sins of the Angels.
    Thank you for the international giveaway :)

  8. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I really want to try the series, so Sins of the Angels for me, if I'm lucky enough to win :) at gmail dot com

    Thanks again!

  9. And the winner is Debby!
    I will be sending you an email
