
Friday 18 April 2014

Grigory Legacy Scavenger Hunt

Didn't win my Grigory Legacy giveaway?
Then this is the scavenger hunt for you!

Join in the fun and visit all participating blogs to find all the secret words that form a sentence that could win you a fabulous prize!

Read this post and find the secret word (which might be hidden in the text or a picture). Hint: it has a nice orange color. Visit the other blogs listed in the schedule, find all words, put them in the right order (see the schedule for which clue/word fits where), and enter the rafflecopter giveaway!

Don't feel like hunting all over the place, or can't find the secret word? No problem: you can also enter the giveaway without joining the scavenger hunt. Those who do find all the words just get more entries in the giveaway.



Linda Poitevin is the author of the dark urban fantasy series, The Grigori Legacy, from Ace/Roc Books. Linda lives near Ottawa, Canada’s capital, and in her other life is wife, mother, friend, gardener, coffee snob, freelance writer, and zookeeper of too many pets. When she isn’t writing, Linda can usually be found in her garden or walking her dog along the river or through the woods.

Author links: Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter /


The Grigori Legacy: Goodreads / Amazon / B&N


SYNOPSIS: A detective with a secret lineage. An undercover Hunter with a bullet-proof soul. And a world made to pay for the sins of an angel...

Homicide detective Alexandra Jarvis answers to no one. Especially not to the new partner assigned to her in the middle of a gruesome serial killer case-a partner who is obstructive, irritatingly magnetic, and arrogant as hell. Aramael is a Power--a hunter of the Fallen Angels. A millennium ago, he sentenced his own brother to eternal exile for crimes against humanity. Now his brother is back and wreaking murderous havoc in the mortal realm. To find him, Aramael must play second to a human police officer who wants nothing to do with him and whose very bloodline threatens both his mission and his soul.

Now, faced with a fallen angel hell-bent on triggering the apocalypse, Alex and Aramael have no choice but to join forces, because only together can they stop the end of days.

Sins of the Angels book links: Goodreads / Amazon / B&N


SYNOPSIS: When homicide detective Alexandra Jarvis sees a photo of Seth Benjamin on a police bulletin, she knows that Heaven's plan to halt Armageddon has gone terribly wrong. As the only mortal who knows of Seth's true nature, only she can save him. Aramael was a hunter of Fallen Angels until a traitor forced him into earthly exile. Now, with no powers and only a faint memory of Alex, his mortal soulmate, he will stop at nothing to redeem himself-even if it means destroying Seth in the name of the Creator...

Sins of the Son book links: Goodreads / Amazon / B&N


SYNOPSIS: Heaven and Hell are on the brink of war as Lucifer builds his Nephilim army and waits for his new agenda to become a reality — that of having a Nephilimchild of his own bloodline to lead his forces to cataclysmic victory.

With rumors of the pending war rampant on Earth, Alex fights to save humanity from its own panic –­ leaving little time for her fledgling
relationship with Seth, the man with heavenly origins who has captured her heart. But when Nephilim children begin to disappear, along with Alex’s own vulnerable niece, the inevitable war between Heaven and Hell becomes as personal as sin.

Heaven has its own plans to fight the coming apocalypse, but first it needs Seth back. Asked to betray the man she loves, Alex must turn for help to the soulmate she thought she’d given up — the Archangel Aramael, who may be her last chance to save her family and humanity from the ashes of Lucifer’s Armageddon.

Sins of the Lost book links: Goodreads / Amazon / B&N


Clue #1: Pearls Cast Before A McPig
Clue #2: Romancing The Darkside
Clue #3: I Smell Sheep
Clue #4: Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf
Clue #5: Book Mood Reviews
Clue #6: Bea's Book Nook
Clue #7: The Demon Librarian


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have read them all and can't wait for the next one

  2. LOVE your clue, lol! And thank you so much for participating! :)

  3. I am all up to date so I am anxiously waiting the next book.

  4. I am new to this series, so I would definitely love to read the first one!

  5. I am new to this series, so I would definitely love to read the first one!

  6. I have read them all and cannot wait for the third!

  7. I've devoured the series so far, and am anxiously awaiting the next book!

  8. Must. Read. Mystery? Paranormal? Romance? Thriller? It doesn't really matter which genre you classify the series as; the combination is captivating! Get them today. :)

  9. I loved Sins of the Angels and I can't wait to read more in this series!

  10. I'm never read this series. So I want to read Sins of the Angels
