
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Top Pearls 2015 - Giveaway

And after listing my top reads of 2015 it's time for a giveaway!

One reader of my blog will win a book of her/his choice, as long as it's available at bookdepository and costs no more than 14 Euro.

Giveaway is over!
The winner is: Blodeuedd

*Pearls Cast Before a McPig is not responsible for books that get lost in the mail*


  1. Loved The Best of All Possible Worlds as well, along with the Jeffe Kennedys!

  2. WIn one of your favs or a book of my choosing?

    Hmm, maybe I'd go with Mermaid's madness by Jim C Hines since I liked book 1 Stepsister scheme, and yes that was one of the good ones this year

  3. I would choose the Talon of the Hawk by Jeffe Kennedy! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  4. I would love to read Before I Fall, by Lauren Oliver

  5. I loved Primal Force and would love to read more by this author

  6. if i need to pick one among your favourite i would choose one of linda poitevin... if it's one of our chosing i'm not as sure^^

    one book i really loved to read in 2015? Pirateship down by Suzanne johnson and Written in red by anne bishop ( yes i was late starting this series but i love it' now)

    Happy New Year to you!!!!

    and thank you!

  7. I really enjoyed reading Ilona Andrews' Sweep in Peace, an excellent 2nd book to the Innkeeper Chronicles series.

  8. I would love a Jeffe Kennedy book to read, from her Fantasy series : ) But perhaps I will just borrow those from Freya.

  9. I really enjoyed reading Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern in 2015. It was a lovely story and gave me all the feels.
    Happy new year!!

  10. I've had several surprising reads this year, all in a good way. :) I'm going to go with Ares by K.A. Finn. Was a wonderful book!

    Happy New Year!
