
Sunday 31 January 2016

TBR Orphans - End of the Month Update 1

January was a great reading month, but apart from one book, all of my reads weren't orphaned yet.

The one Orphan I read was Poison Sleep.
It was on my shelves for about six months, because it's book two in a series and I didn't have book one until recently.

How did your challenges go?

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery


  1. I did very well, and I met my goals for January, so that is a great start to the year. Of course, all my other "goede voornemens" didn't last the first week ...

  2. Oh. This is a great idea, with orphans. :) I... don't do so well with it. lol. I need to get to the shelf books more than not.

    1. I know the problem: New books are so tempting. That's why I decided to give myself this challenge.
