
Monday 13 March 2017

Future Threat - Book Review

Future Threat (Future Shock #2)
by Elizabeth Briggs

What is it about:
Six months ago Aether Corporation sent Elena, Adam, and three other recruits on a trip to the future where they brought back secret information--but not everyone made it back to the present alive. Now Elena's dealing with her survivor's guilt and trying to make her relationship with Adam work. All she knows for sure is that she's done with time travel and Aether Corporation.

But Aether's not done with her--or Adam, or fellow survivor Chris. The travelers on Aether's latest mission to the future have gone missing, and Elena and her friends are drafted into the rescue effort. They arrive in a future that's amazingly advanced, thanks to Aether Corporation's reverse-engineered technology. The mission has deadly consequences, though, and they return to the future to try to alter the course of events.

But the future is different yet again. Now every trip through time reveals new complications, and more lives lost--or never born. Elena and Adam must risk everything--including their relationship--to save their friends.

What did I think of it:
I loved the first book in this trilogy, so after we read some of Briggs' New Adult Romances it was time to dive into book two of this YA trilogy.

And this is yet another cool read.

I will confess that I thought the time traveling got a bit... dodgy. Looking at the fact that the future constantly changes by things Elena and the others do, I think that some of the things that happened in this story shouldn't be possible. It sure made me raise and eyebrow at times.

It's a credit to Briggs' writing and storytelling that I was able to let these time travel glitches slide and enjoyed the story even so.

Elena continues to be a cool character. She's slowly learning to trust others and I enjoyed seeing her evolve. I also really liked Adam and Chris. It was the new cast of characters I didn't really warm up to, but the story is cool enough that it didn't matter.

All in all a great read. You bet I'll be getting my trotters on the last book once it releases.

Why should you read it:
It's a cool YA read with time travel

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