
Thursday 8 December 2022

Last Train to Jubilee Bay - Quick Book Review


Last Train to Jubilee Bay
by Kali Wallace

What is it about:
After the sickness and quarantine almost destroyed the city, the traders arrived creeping out from the sea to live off the memories of those people left behind; getting them addicted to the serum these strange creatures manufacture in return. But now it’s been more than five days since they have come for their daily visit. And Lucy is determined to find out why.

What did I think about:
I picked up this short story as I saw another book by Wallace that sounded cool, and I wanted to know if I'd like the writing style.

I totally did AND I seriously enjoyed this story. It's short and leaves a lot open, but still I really liked the imagery and the world building. You bet this story convinced me to read more by Wallace.

Why should you read it:
It's a very enjoyable short story.

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