How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back (White Trash Zombie #4)
by Diana Rowland
What is it about:
It’s zombie versus zombie as the Saberton Corporation declares war against the Zombie Mafia, kidnapping several of their party. It falls to Angel to lead the remnants of her gang halfway across the country to claw their way through corporate intrigue, zombie drugs, and undead trafficking to rescue her friends—and expose the traitor responsible for their abduction...
What did I think of it:
Recently I ran into the cover of book 5 of this series, and it reminded me of the fact that this book was somewhere in my TBR pile. I decided it could be my September TBR Orphan.
And what a cool read!
I can safely say I don't think the next book (once it releases) will be in my TBR pile as long as this book has been.
Angel is really growing throughout this series and moving up on the zombie totem pole so to speak. I liked how she is having doubts about her own usefulness when in a dangerous situation, but still manages to keep a cool head and help save the day.
I also like the direction the romantic storyline is taking. I haven't been a fan of Angel's main love interest from the start, but it looks like there might be some interesting changes coming up. I can only hope.
There's plenty of action, conspiracies, and drama that kept me entertained from start to finish. There were some interesting revelations, and some really cool developments as well.
The ending I'm not so sure about I will confess. It will totally depend on what direction Rowland will take Angel next I guess, so I'll impatiently wait for book 5 to see what will happen.
Why should you read it:
It's a fun, action packed Zombie read.

1 comment:
I do wonder what will happen in the next one too
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