Alien Education (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #15)
by Gini Koch
What is it about:
As if learning as much as possible about every alien race in the galaxy, fending off the advances both business and personal from a variety of Hollywood types, dealing with the assimilation of various alien races, and navigating the Embassy Daycare kids' first day of "real" school wasn't bad enough, President and First Lady Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini must now deal with new robotic attacks that endanger every alien child on Earth, the resurgence of a bigger, nastier Club 51, and a variety of murders, all while facing the most truly terrifying organization they've ever encountered -- the school's Parent-Teacher Association.
What did I think of it:
When this book arrived in April last year I had a hard time concentrating on reading, so I didn't dare pick this book up. And as is often the case with postponing a read: it went forgotten until last month, when I realized the next book would be releasing in February.
I decided to catch up right away.
This is a fun read as all of the books in the series. It did feel like there was more talking and explaining than necessary at times, but this being book 15, a recap of who's who and what's what can't be avoided.
That aside I fell right back in the world and crazy schemes that surround Kitty. I loved reading about beloved characters and to see new characters enter the stage as well.
It's a good thing I didn't read this book last year, because as always there are several conspiracies and plots going on, and I had to keep paying attention to keep up with the developments.
All in all this is a fun addition to a great series. I'm looking forward to reading the next book.
Why should you read it:
It's a fun SF read.
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