With a Prince (Missed Connections #2)
by Jeffe Kennedy
What is it about:
The guy on the train is just Marcia’s type. A face like an angel, a scent like raw honey, treats her like he has a white horse and suit of armor stowed in his messenger bag. Perfect.
Too perfect. No guy like that would be interested in prim, awkward Marcia, notorious goody-goody and a twentysomething still clutching her v-card. She’s been following rules her whole life—but somewhere, the game changed. And left her behind.
So when she meets Damien, with his rumbling motorbike, gleaming piercings, and wicked imagination, she doesn’t care that he’s the exact opposite of “her type.” Her type would never dare her into such shocking, fiendishly inventive adventures—and she can’t wait to say yes.
Yes to whiskey in the middle of a workday. Yes to letting her hands roam over his body from the back of his bike. Yes to a fling full of wild abandon and absolutely no long-term potential. Except Damien’s not just the straightforward bad boy she imagined. And as they burn through Chicago’s nights, Marcia can’t shake the fear that this happiness is just another fairy tale…
What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
I will confess I seriously disliked Marcia in Last Dance. She did something there that made me so angry.
Imagine my surprise when Marcia actually started to grow on me in this story.
Liking Marcia came slowly. but when it happened I was hooked. Marcia starts out as someone I didn't have much connection with: she's soft and too lost in her perfect plans to see the real world. But then she meets Damien and she is starting to open her eyes. I loved seeing Marcia's personal growth.
And Damien!
*dreamy sigh*
There are just not enough Alternative/Goth heroes who are more than the bad boy who needs a good woman to settle down. Luckily Damien is one of those yummy few. I loved how he and Marcia were together. Their romance is hot, sexy and sweet.
Of course Marcia and Damien encounter some obstacles on their way to a happy end, but you can trust Jeffe to make those obstacles interesting, while you never have to fear they won't be overcome.
All in all a delightful Contemporary Romance that I already have read several times and will reread again for sure.
Why should you read it:
It's a hot, sexy and sweet Contemporary Romance.
Notes on rereading: Still as yummy as the first time I read it!
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