This week Alien Collective released. You might know I'm a fan piggy about this series, so I'm glad to have Gini dropping by today for a small interview. There's also a giveaway. But first my review of Alien Collective to get you in the mood ;-)

Alien Collective (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #9)
by Gini Koch
What is it about:
Despite not having run for office, nor wanting to remain in office, Representative Jeff Martini is being wooed as the vice presidential running mate for a charismatic senator who seems likely to win the campaign. While the Diplomatic Corps has to deal with the pressures of a political campaign sure to uncover secrets they don’t want shared with the world, Ambassador Kitty Katt-Martini has other worries—handling the reemergence of her most potent nemesis, thought dead and buried.
What did I think of it:
I can't believe we're already on book nine in this cool and funny series. It seems like only yesterday that I picked up Touched by an Alien on a whim, lured by the beautiful cover, and cool sounding blurb. Even more surprising is that Gini Koch keeps delivering time and time again.
Having read a couple of Fantasy books before starting on Alien Collective I will confess I struggled a bit during the first few chapters to get into the story. But once I made the switch from serious Fantasy to quirky and fun SciFi I was hooked.
If you haven't started on this series yet, I can really advice you to go buy Touched by an Alien and dive in. Because this series is addictive and fun. Many things have happened since that first book, that made me fall in love with Gini's writing, and although maybe some people could read this book without having read the previous books, I tell you: you want it all!
This book is a typical 'Kitty Katt' book. It's full of humor, wittiness and bizarre situations. Kitty is a fun heroine, who you know will save the day... eventually. But before she does, you get taken on a wild ride that is well worth it.
There's tons of cool characters, both old and new. There's action, suspense and intense emotions. And there's one particular event in this book that made this piggy a very happy camper! I won't spoil too much, but let me tell you: some authors actually listen to my requests! I hope this will become a trend ;-)
So once again Gini Koch manages to entertain and delight with a witty, funny and cool story. I hope she keeps them coming, because I need more books to feed my addiction.
Why should you read it:
It's a quirky and cool SciFi read.
Welcome back to Pearls Cast Before A McPig, Gini. I always love having you drop by.
-What is the most memorable moment (good, bad, or other) you have had in your life as an author?
It’s funny you ask this question, because the answer relates to you. :-D The first fan email I ever got came three weeks before Touched by an Alien was supposed to be released. I almost threw that email away, but I looked at it and lo and behold, it wasn’t spam – it was someone telling me they loved my book. I’d honestly never expected to get fan mail, and it was just the most amazing feeling in the world. Any time I feel down, I think back to that moment and the warm glow of shock and happiness reading that email gave me…which came from you. You will always be intrinsically tied to me because every time I get fan mail, I remember the “first one”.
Aaaw, thanks *hugs*. I'm still glad I ran into Touched by an Alien that day.
-If you could, would you change places with any of your characters?
There’s always the temptation to say yes, but I honestly like my life. I mean, sure, I’d like to have more time and more money (and this makes me different from exactly no one LOL), but overall I have a wonderful husband and daughter, great pets, family, friends, and fans, and really, that’s pretty darned good. Besides, I live all the characters’ lives anyway – in my mind, on the page, and in my mental “editing bay” where they have adventures that aren’t story worthy but that I know about anyway. It’s a controlled form of schizophrenia – I make it work for me.
But if I had to change places with a character, I’d take Kitty’s life. I mean, I’m not crazy enough to pass up sex with Martini.
-Any chance you will be going on an European tour? I could be your guide if you come to Groningen. We have a Martini Tower!
I would LOVE to, but finances being what they are, I would have to be brought out. But hope springs eternal and I would love to visit and check out that Martini Tower! Until then, my characters get to go to all the fun places while I, um, go to the Post Office. I know…it’s all glamour, this business we call show.
I will keep hoping! Thanks for dropping by :-)
Author Bio
Gini Koch lives in Hell’s Orientation Area (aka Phoenix, AZ), works her butt off (sadly, not literally) by day, and writes by night with the rest of the beautiful people. She writes the fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series for Musa Publishing. As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series. She also writes under a variety of other pen names including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch. She speaks frequently on what it takes to become a successful author and other aspects of writing and the publishing business. She is also the Lead Editor at Raphael’s Village, an online, nonpaying ’zine. Because she wasn’t busy enough, Gini’s added on featured guest columnist, reviewer, and webcaster for Slice of SciFi and It’s Comic Book Day. She can be reached through her website at www.ginikoch.com.
One reader of my blog will win a book from the Katherine "Kitty" Katt series. (winner's choice)
giveaway closed - winner is Aleksandra

I adore this series and I'm enjoying Gini's blog tour and all the talk about Kitty and Jeff and the books.
Lovely review and interview Sullivan, and I enjoyed reading it. And perhaps if we keep asking her, one day she will visit us here in Holland :)
This is my introduction to you. I hope to have along acquaintance.
debby236 at gmail dot com
i don't think a lot of us could resist Martini.....just reading this interview ( and review) lmake me want to reread the first one i rememeber i was laughing so hard i shed some tears^^
Is there hope to see you published in french for example ( if it's not top secret info).... i guess if you had a european editor as well the chance to have you visit us would expand ( and i can't believe no editor from here have see your potential)
Huh, Sully, that's awesome :)
Actually, Sully is the reason I found out about the series, and made me want to read them, so I got hooked (though I still need to catch up), so he's definitely one of your biggest fans :)
Keep up the great work Gini! Looking forward to digging in to your latest!
This was a terrific interview. I haven't read this series, but I'm looking forward to starting it.
Oh I loved the books I read in the series and I can't wait for more, I'm but so behind! I'm glad the series is always that good!
I love Gini's books :) Thanks so much for sharing and congrats Gini on the new release. Thanks for sharing!
Martini is MINE
@Blodeuedd: Voodoo Bride will fight you for him!
I love this series and can't wait to read the next one.
Hi, Gini. You find blogs with the coolest names at which to stop. No matter how inventive they are, they'll never out-snark and out-imagine your Kitty novels. To paraphrase, "Your crazy works better than anyone else's sanity." LOL. bookwormpov (at) gmail (dot) com
Great review and post. I love this series and have been eager for this release. Her writing is so fun and keeps you hooked. You can;t help but love Martini and the rest.
I read them all over each time a new one comes out. Love these books!
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