The High Ground (Imperials #1)
by Melinda M. Snodgrass
What is it about:
Emperor’s daughter Mercedes is the first woman ever admitted to the High Ground, the elite training academy of the Solar League’s Star Command, and she must graduate if she is to have any hope of taking the throne. Her classmate Tracy has more modest goals — to rise to the rank of captain, and win fame and honor. But a civil war is coming and the political machinations of those who yearn for power threaten the young cadets. In a time of intrigue and alien invasion, they will be tested as they never thought possible.
What is it about:
I came across the blurb of this book when Jeffe Kennedy went to a signing where Melinda Snodgrass would be as well. I was very intrigued and Jeffe being as awesome as she is, got me a signed copy.
And I can tell you this book not only delivered on the promise given in that blurb, it's even better than I hoped!
Mercedes is a strong, determined young woman. She wants to show everyone she is capable not only of succeeding at The High Ground, but of leading the empire. Lots of people want to see her fail, others want to get close to her because of what she is instead of who she is.
All Tracy ever wanted is to become more than a tailor like his father. He never wanted to become a soldier, but circumstances force him to take the free scholarship to the High Ground. Being one of only a few 'charity cases' he's having a hard time.
I loved the writing, the world building and the setting (you might know by now I have a soft spot for boarding school stories). I liked Tracy from the start, and soon fell in love with Mercedes as well. There were a couple of other characters that I was rooting for as well, and some I totally loathed. The interaction between the students was cool to read and felt real. Especially the friendship/romance/something between Mercedes and Tracy developed in a very believable if at times frustrating way.
The story focused on the training and how Tracy and Mercedes handle their new life at The High Ground at first, but later in the book there are some really exciting developments and the speed of the story kicked up considerably, making it impossible to put the book down.
And the ending! I need to know what will happen next!
All in all this book was totally amazing and you bet I'll be getting my grabby trotter on book two when it releases next year.
Why should you read it:
It's a totally awesome SF read.

loved this book!!! is it 2017 yet???
I remember seeing another review on this one, which brought the book to my attention. It sounded like something I would enjoy. Glad to see you enjoyed it too!
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