What is it about:
While Confessions (see yesterday's review) took twenty-first-century free spirit Courtney Stone into the social confines of Jane Austen's era, Rude Awakenings tells the parallel story of Jane Mansfield, a gentleman's daughter from Regency England who inexplicably awakens in Courtney's overly wired and morally confused L.A. life.
For Jane, the modern world is not wholly disagreeable. Her apartment may be smaller than a dressing closet, but it is fitted up with lights that burn without candles, machines that wash bodies and clothes, and a glossy rectangle in which tiny people perform scenes from her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. Granted, if she wants to travel she may have to drive a formidable metal carriage, but she may do so without a chaperone. And oh, what places she goes! Public assemblies that pulsate with pounding music. Unbound hair and unrestricted clothing. The freedom to say what she wants when she wants-even to men without a proper introduction.
Jane relishes the privacy, independence, even the power to earn her own money. But how is she to fathom her employer's incomprehensible dictates about "syncing a BlackBerry" and "rolling a call"? How can she navigate a world in which entire publications are devoted to brides but flirting and kissing and even the sexual act itself raise no matrimonial expectations? Even more bewildering are the memories that are not her own. And the friend named Wes, who is as attractive and confusing to Jane as the man who broke her heart back home. It's enough to make her wonder if she would be better off in her own time, where at least the rules are clear-that is, if returning is even an option.
What did Voodoo Bride think of it:
A delightful piece of fluff, just like 'Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict'. Jane's reactions to things we take for granted are funny to read and the romance is predictable, but agreeable. The one thing I can say against this book is that after reading the first book, this one is more of the same, only in another time than the first book. I did enjoy the book, but if I had to pick a favourite it has to be 'Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict'.
Why should you read it:
If you're looking for something light and funny, this is your book.
I've heard a lot about this book and I'll definitely read it, Austen-fan that I am. I'm glad you think it's both light and funny :)
Sully, have you seen the mini-series Lost in Austen? (I'm not sure if it was based on a novel.) An Austen fan travels into Pride and Prejudice and Elizabeth Bennett takes her place in modern-day London. I find it very interesting that Lizzie adapted very well to our world.
@Enbrethiliel: I saw it and I really liked it, but one of my friends who is actually a bit of a Jane Austen addict hated it because the original story was mucked up.
Oh, I have to say I kind of agree with your friend! =P While I liked the whole concept, Amanda got it right the first time when she realised she was "breaking up" Lizzie and Darcy and said (in a horrified whisper, no less!): "The world will hate me!"
I had thought that the original story would be mucked up and then set to rights, as it was with the Jane and Bingley subplot, so I felt really let down by the ending.
Besides, I was an Amanda-Wickham "shipper"! ;-)
I can understand. I probably would feel miffed too if someone mucked up a book that I truly love!
love the cover with its past and present mix. yesss, more fluff is good.
I think I could get into this one. I'll add it to my "If It Falls Into My Hands" list.
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