Alien vs. Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #6)
by Gini Koch
What is it about:
Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini and the rest of the American Centaurion Diplomatic Corps are still recovering from their introduction to Washington D.C. politics, parties, and conspiracies. So when compromising pictures arrive, no one’s too surprised. They’re also the least of anyone’s worries.
Evil androids running amok, birds of all kinds and from all places creating havoc, a Senator trapped in an ever-tightening web of intrigue, and escalating international tensions all seem tough but manageable. But the disappearance of Jeff Martini and Charles Reynolds during the International One World Festival signals more than the usual nastiness — and it looks like even ACE can’t help them.
Then new trouble arrives in old packages and even with the best hackers in the world, beings from near and far, the full might of Earth’s military, and the Wonder Twins on their side, Centaurion Division’s outmanned and outgunned.
Now Kitty’s racing against the clock to find not only Jeff and Chuckie, but to keep the peace between Middle Eastern countries, all while searching for the bases of super-soldier operations — to stop them or die trying.
What did Voodoo Bride and I think of it:
Yet another amazing adventure.
This series is addictive and super fun.
I'm amazed how Koch keeps coming up with new, wacky and exciting adventures for Kitty and her friends. Alien vs. Alien is full of intrigue, suspense and has some of the most intense action of the entire series so far.
If I'm completely honest and at my most critical I have to confess that Kitty is maybe a bit too fantastic, a bit too powerful. But if I'm being completely honest anyway I will also have to add that I actually am quite OK with that.
I think Kitty being who and what she is, actually is what makes this series so much fun. Is it believable? When you stop to think about it: no, but Koch's writing grabs you and holds you captive from start to finish and during the over-the-top thrill-ride that is Alien vs. Alien you don't give a rat's ass if things are believable, you just want to keep reading to take it all in and you cheer Kitty and her friends on to save the day once more.
So in conclusion: this book, like all the other books in this series, is awesome and a must read for anyone who likes their SciFi with a firm dose of humor and wit. It will join it's predecessors on my favorites shelf and be reread with the same frequency as them as well.
Why should you read it:
Don't tell me I haven't succeeded in getting you addicted to this series by now!

I've been addicted to this series since I picked up Touched by an Alien on a whim. And I'm totally jealous you've already read the latest installment. =op
Gini really does grab you and take you on a wild ride every single time, doesn't she. Love it. Love her. Never noticed Kitty is too fantastic and don't give a rat's patootie. ;o)
LOL, when I think I'm the only one who haven't started it yet. But I have book 1 ans 2, it's a good start, isn't it?
Great review Voodoo Bride, and yes the book is awesome again.
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