Nine of Stars (Wildlands #1 / Dark Alchemy #3)
by Laura Bickle
What is it about:
Winter is the most deadly season in Temperance. And it’s not just because of the fierce cold. Evil is stalking the backcountry of Yellowstone, killing wolves and leaving only their skins behind.
As the snow deepens, Geologist Petra Dee is staring her own death in the face, while former Hanged Man Gabriel struggles with his abrupt transition back to mortality. The ravens and the rest of the Hanged Men are gone, and there are no magical solutions to Petra’s illness or Gabriel’s longing for what he’s lost…and what he stands to lose now.
Meanwhile, there’s a new sheriff in town. Sheriff Owen Rutherford has inherited the Rutherford ranch and the remnants of the Alchemical Tree of Life. He’s also a dangerously haunted man, and his investigation of Sal’s death is leading him right to Gabriel.
It’s up to Petra, her coyote sidekick Sig, and Gabriel to get ahead of both Owen and the unnatural being stalking them all – before the trail turns deathly cold.
What did I think of it:
I pre-ordered this pearl as soon as it was available on bookdepository so I would get my trotters on it as soon as it released. Then the awesome Laura Bickle provided me with an Advance Reader Copy so I could even read it sooner!
And this is such a great read.
This book continues the story lines from the Dark Alchemy books, but is set up in a way that it would work as a first book in a new series for new readers as well. But let me tell you: You want to read all the books in this setting. They're awesome!
I love Petra, Gabe and Sig. They're a good team. Lots of nastiness is coming their way, both supernatural and mundane, but they are doing their best to overcome their problems and to stay alive.
The story switches between Petra and Gabe, and Owen. Usually when a story switches to a character who opposes my favorite characters I don't much like reading from their point of view, but Bickle managed to get me invested and to even root just a little bit for Owen at times.
The ending of this book is quite the cliffhanger, and you bet I'll be getting my greedy trotters on the next book.
All in all an awesome read that I can recommend to anyone who's looking for a cool UF read set outside of the city.
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1 comment:
I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my book. I think Sig and Sullivan would be great friends!
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