Wednesday 27 October 2021

Eat the Rich #3 - Comic Book Review


Eat the Rich #3
by Sarah Gailey and Pius Bak (Illustrator)

What is it about:
Still uncertain about what she saw in Pip's office, Joey confides in Kitty... but Kitty's response only confuses her more, leaving Joey with no choice but to play along with the family. Until Fourth of July, when at a party Joey suspects what she thought she saw then is happening again. Can Joey come to terms with what is really happening in Crestfall Bluffs... and can she still walk away alive?

What did I think of it:
This issue takes the story in a direction I did not see coming. I expected there to be an acceleration of the violence from the first issue, but instead there's more revelations, and Joey does things I hadn't thought she would do.

I can't say I minded, I was intrigued by the unrolling events, and I'm eager for the next issue to see where this all will lead to. You bet I'll get my trotters on the next issue once it releases.

Why should you read it:
It's a cool and suspenseful horror story.

buy from amazon

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