Monday 16 September 2019

These Deathless Bones - Book Review

These Deathless Bones
by Cassandra Khaw

What is it about:
A horror tale about the Witch Bride, second wife of a King, and the discord between her and her young stepson.

What did I think of it:
After reading A Human Stain by Kelly Robson I was in the mood for more creepy stories, so I bought a bunch of short stories that were named in the "READERS ALSO ENJOYED" box on Goodreads.

This story was one of them, but it was a miss for me.

The Witch Bride is the viewpoint character and is pestered by her 'Evil' stepson and is feeling very sorry for herself.

In my opinion children are not just evil, they become that way by how they're treated. So I thought the Witch Bride was as guilty of raising an 'Evil' stepson as anyone else. I couldn't relate to her at all, so the story and the conclusion left me feeling Meh.

Why should you read it:
Maybe you can relate where I could not.

Buy from Amazon

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